When you purchase automobile insurance, you are purchasing peace of mind. You expect that in the event you are injured in an accident, your insurance company will reimburse your medical bills relating to your injury. In fact, in the event of a catastrophic injury - regardless of fault - your insurance company is liable for much more.
Most people do not know the full extent of their rights under their insurance policies, as insurance companies typically do not volunteer that information. Our Detroit car accident attorneys are here to ensure you receive the benefits to which you are entitled.
In a no-fault auto accident in Michigan, it does not matter how many cars were involved or who was to blame for the accident. What matters, is that your insurance company made a promise to you to cover all reasonable and customary charges incurred for reasonably necessary products, services and accommodations for your care, recovery, or rehabilitation. This may include home modifications to accommodate your injury, attendant care, and transportation for medical care. These benefits are commonly referred to as "allowable expenses;" and can be subject to coordination with your primary health insurance and/or offset by like benefits provided by workers compensation if the auto accident was work related.
Replacement service benefits cover reimbursement for household chores that you are no longer able to do for yourself or your dependents (up to $20/day for a period of three years). If you have these expenses it is helpful to keep records of what services are being performed, who is performing them and what was paid or promised to be paid for the services. It can also be helpful to ask your doctor for a disability slip for the activities you are disabled from performing.
Wage loss benefits give you the right to reimbursement of 85% of lost gross wages (for up to three years). These benefits have a monthly maximum that is adjusted annually. The wage loss maximum for October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015 is $5,392.00. This is also subject to coordination with private disability insurance if you elected coordinated coverage, and is subject to an offset of governmental benefits like social security disability and workers compensation benefits.
Our skilled no-fault auto accident personal injury attorneys will assist you in understanding your rights under Michigan no-fault law. An experienced Detroit car accident attorney will carefully examine your individual circumstance and the facts of your case, and represent you to ensure you get treated fairly.
There are certain time limits and prerequisites and requirements, including notice to the insurance carrier within one year of the accident. Also, if any of the reimbursable expenses referenced are not voluntarily paid within one year of the date each expense is incurred, you must file a lawsuit before that expense is allowed to become one year old. If you are forced to file a lawsuit, any reimbursable expenses older than one year are generally barred absent certain very narrow exceptions.
More Information from our Detroit Auto Accident Attorneys and Michigan No Fault Lawyers:
Our Detroit auto accident attorneys know how insurance companies work, and we want to help you protect your rights. Please contact our Detroit no-fault auto accidents attorneys today. For information on past Michigan cases, please view our Case Summaries page. Or, to learn more about no-fault law, please see our No-Fault/Auto Accidents F.A.Q. section.
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