Sometimes insurance companies will seem to be very cooperative. They'll take your bills or invoices for medical costs without question and may even pay them. This is especially true if the injuries are minor and their liability is clear. But it's still always a good idea to have an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side, and here's why.
When claims are small and injuries minor, insurance companies often pay them without much of a fight because it gives them a good reputation that makes people feel good about doing business with them. Another reason insurance companies may accept and pay bills quickly in the beginning is that they want to get a settlement signed as quickly as possible and limit their losses on a case.
It is not uncommon for insurance companies to pay a few bills and offer a bit of cash to the injured person that often seems like more than enough to cover any additional bills. Their hope is that the injured person will agree to the amount and sign off on any future liability for the injury. But often the amount of money offered falls far short of what the claim's true value. The injury may require more extensive treatment than the injured person thinks will be necessary or they are unaware of all the costs associated with an injury that they can claim. In the end, many injury victims get stuck with medical bills and other costs that should have been paid by the insurance company but weren't because the victim agreed to a settlement too soon or without getting a proper assessment of potential costs.
Another reason to be represented by a personal injury lawyer even when insurance companies seem cooperative is that they may cease to be cooperative once they realize the extent of the injury and associated costs. When a claim starts to get expensive, it's not uncommon for a claim adjuster to start denying invoices and saying that the treatment was unnecessary or unrelated to the injuries the company is liable for. They may even indicate in the beginning that they are paying the bills, but really are holding on to them and then deny the claim altogether or pay only a portion of the bills. The more serious and costly the injuries are, the more likely it is that the insurance company will eventually become uncooperative.
Experienced personal injury lawyers are familiar with the tactics of insurance companies. They know how to get proof that the insurance company is actually paying the bills. They know how to determine the true value of an injury claim so the injured person doesn't agree to a settlement insufficient for the true cost of the injury. They know how to present a claim to maximize the victim's chances for having the claim paid in full. A lawyer's involvement in a claim can also deter foul play on the part of the insurance company.
At Sachs Waldman, our personal injury lawyers have extensive experience fighting for the rights of injury victims when insurance companies deny or reduce claims or attempt to take advantage of their lack of knowledge concerning their injuries. If you've been seriously injured in Michigan, call our Detroit personal injury law office and schedule a free initial consultation: 1-800-638-6722.
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